Update on Wendy Smades from her daughter Crystal Smades Whitby–
This morning Wendy continues to be in a deep sleep and very comfortable at home in her own bed. We have her favorite Christian songs and hymns looping at her bedside, and we are talking and praying with her. Every Christmas she gives us a devotional book and she highlighted Psalm 121 day saying, “The Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.” It said God will watch over our last going out into the unknown realms of death and the beyond, returning home to that long promised, well-earned rest (And oh how earned hers has been!). It went on saying we’ll experience the joy of knowing we abide in the everlasting arms, where all we love and all have loved will be united and fulfilled for all eternity. Amen
This morning about 10 a.m. Wendy went home to be with her heavenly Father. She joined Mark Smades her husband and her grandchildren.
Please contact Lisa Owsley if you would like updates on a possible service at a later date. Lisa can be reached best by email at: lowsley80@comcast.net Blessings on the Smades family as they mourn the loss of Wendy.